Wednesday, August 31, 2005
So I guess the other day when I posted about Lisa Harriman maybe I was already thinking about her. But then when someone replied to my post about her, it really got me thinking about her, because my first thought was, Lisa would probably like to know that. I haven't seen her in probable 2 or 3 years. The last time I saw her was at the Homosassa Arts and Crafts, Seafood festival. I only got to talk to her for a few seconds. She told me she was with a guy who was really cute, that she was pregnant (though not showing) and that they were moving to Cedar Key. Because of a very tragic event, and a subsequent article in the newspaper I know that she did in fact move to Cedar Key. So a couple days ago I did a quick search to see if I could find her. There were a couple hits, but nothing that I could find that was actually about her. Except, of course, my site. Which is interesting because I didn't know that Google was keeping up with my site so much. The next day I checked my site meter, because I had been getting some comments, and I usually don't. And there was a google hit for Lisa Harriman, the searcher was a roadrunner user in Texas. That is SO wierd. I was really hoping to find something about her, so, if someone else comes looking for Lisa, and you happen to know more than I do, could you pass along the info.? I'd really like to know how she is.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Not really anything to say tonight. I'm kinda tired and I know I have to be up early tomorrow. Tonight one of our classmates came over and we all had dinner together. It was nice to relax, but I really should have watched a couple more lectures. This weekend I'm going home and won't be back until some time monday, so I should have gotten ahead today so I wouldn't be so behind on Monday, but I didn't. Sue me.
Tomorrow morning I have to meet my practicum preceptor. We will get a little orientation and find out what we're going to be doing. Because, well, I have no idea. We don't really get much guidance, and we've already learned we shouldn't ask the professor because when we do, we're told we should have read the syllabus, which I did. So hopefully the preceptor will know what we're doing, and be full of information for us.
I'm heading back home this weekend. I'm going to see a soccer game or two (depending on whether they win the first game) and I need to pick up my intern license and make another attempt at finding my white polo. I'm sure it's somewhere, I just have to find it.
Tomorrow morning I have to meet my practicum preceptor. We will get a little orientation and find out what we're going to be doing. Because, well, I have no idea. We don't really get much guidance, and we've already learned we shouldn't ask the professor because when we do, we're told we should have read the syllabus, which I did. So hopefully the preceptor will know what we're doing, and be full of information for us.
I'm heading back home this weekend. I'm going to see a soccer game or two (depending on whether they win the first game) and I need to pick up my intern license and make another attempt at finding my white polo. I'm sure it's somewhere, I just have to find it.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
It has just occured to me that I have dropped the blogger ball. I forgot to note that I got a new cell phone. It's a motorola v265, and I really like it. I'm still getting used to it. It's a flip phone and I have always had a candy bar style. And since it won't fit in my back pocket like me old phone did, I got a leather holster/case thingy. You know what I'm talking about. And I'm getting used to it always being stuck out on my side. I got it because Mom's phone kept acting up. But her phone isnn't out of contract for several more months, Nikky just got a new phone, and since my phone was out of contract, we decided after many ideas of how to work it, that I would get a new phone and mom would have my old phone until she can get a new one. I'm not sure how she likes it, it's much quieter than her old one and doesn't vibe and ring at the same time. Anyway, that's it.
I went to target this evening for binders, I had to look up directions because I had no idea where I was going. I think I really am going to like the area I'm living in now. I liked the other one, but this one seems to have less high traffic areas, and is more centrally located. The downside is that there isn't a grocery store right down the road (not that it's all that far away though) and I don't know where things are yet. And when I got back here, my roommate was gone.
Today delivery people came to set up the entertainment center that my roommate ordered. It is HUGE. They are planning on getting a big screen later one, so it's meant to fit that. Anyway, the people got here just before 10, while I was in the shower, and they were here until 6pm. It came in three pretty clat boxes, so I guess they had to put everything together but from the sound of it they had never done it before. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that We could have put it together in a more timely manner, but the point is that we didn't have to, so we were able to use all that time to do more important things--like school.
So now I'm all by myself with this big entertainment center.
I went to target this evening for binders, I had to look up directions because I had no idea where I was going. I think I really am going to like the area I'm living in now. I liked the other one, but this one seems to have less high traffic areas, and is more centrally located. The downside is that there isn't a grocery store right down the road (not that it's all that far away though) and I don't know where things are yet. And when I got back here, my roommate was gone.
Today delivery people came to set up the entertainment center that my roommate ordered. It is HUGE. They are planning on getting a big screen later one, so it's meant to fit that. Anyway, the people got here just before 10, while I was in the shower, and they were here until 6pm. It came in three pretty clat boxes, so I guess they had to put everything together but from the sound of it they had never done it before. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that We could have put it together in a more timely manner, but the point is that we didn't have to, so we were able to use all that time to do more important things--like school.
So now I'm all by myself with this big entertainment center.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I seem to have survived the first day of classes and I think I might have gotten everything I was supposed to do done. As usual they make it very hard for us to be completely sure. I'm getting used to living with someone I actually know, but haven't lived with before. The only other person I've lived with and actually knew was Jenn, and that was a long time ago, only for a semester, she left early, and I probably drove her crazy. It's interesting, but it was good, we were able to share a lot of our information and make each other feel better when neither of us knew the information. I think this program would go a lot smoother if they would all just sit down and make a list of the things we need to do and when, that way we could just run down the list checking things off, and we wouldn't sit around all the time wondering what we were actually supposed to do and if we were supposed to do it know or if we should wait to hear from someone, because sometimes we have to wait and sometimes we aren't supposed to. Well, I'm tired, so I am going to bed.
It's a new day. And today is the first official day of the school year. When I wake up in the morning I will again have lectures and readings breathing down my neck. We got our practicum groups today. I have a community site, so I don't have to be on campus at all this week. The only thing I have to do is meet with my preceptor on Friday. Oh...and I also have to watch lectures. So this weekend I will head home. It will give me a chance to see Nikky's last soccer game and to collect anything that I left at home.
Today--well, yesterday--was Jenn's birthday. I talked to her yesterday when she called to tell me she received my package. But I called her today because it was her actual birthday. They were going to the melting pot for dinner.
The thing about still being in college, when everyone else is out is that all my friends are old now. They rarely ever stay up past 9. It's much easier to stay in touch with Jenn because she calls me. For whatever reason I have a block that makes me forget that I'm supposed to call someone between the hours of about 6 and 10pm. So by the time I remember it's too late. This is especially a problem with Lori because I'm pretty sure she is NEVER up past 9. And...along with forgetfullness, I also don't have free nights and weekends until after 9. Which means to call her I have to use minutes, and when I call her it's not always a quick call. This poses another problem because my sister is a phone diva. She uses like a bazillion minutes, and never seems to understand that there are other people around here that don't have any other phone besides their cell phone, and will be required to make a certain amount of calls on it. That on top of the fact that all my friends are old and are asleep during the free minutes. Are Nikky's friends asleep then? Nope. But that doesn't stop her from calling whoever she wants during the day and sitting around saying absolutely nothing. conclusion, I hope Lori knows that I don't talk to her that often because she's asleep during the free minutes.
Today--well, yesterday--was Jenn's birthday. I talked to her yesterday when she called to tell me she received my package. But I called her today because it was her actual birthday. They were going to the melting pot for dinner.
The thing about still being in college, when everyone else is out is that all my friends are old now. They rarely ever stay up past 9. It's much easier to stay in touch with Jenn because she calls me. For whatever reason I have a block that makes me forget that I'm supposed to call someone between the hours of about 6 and 10pm. So by the time I remember it's too late. This is especially a problem with Lori because I'm pretty sure she is NEVER up past 9. And...along with forgetfullness, I also don't have free nights and weekends until after 9. Which means to call her I have to use minutes, and when I call her it's not always a quick call. This poses another problem because my sister is a phone diva. She uses like a bazillion minutes, and never seems to understand that there are other people around here that don't have any other phone besides their cell phone, and will be required to make a certain amount of calls on it. That on top of the fact that all my friends are old and are asleep during the free minutes. Are Nikky's friends asleep then? Nope. But that doesn't stop her from calling whoever she wants during the day and sitting around saying absolutely nothing. conclusion, I hope Lori knows that I don't talk to her that often because she's asleep during the free minutes.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Tonight is my first night in the new place. And the first night that anyone will sleep on this bed. I hope it is comfortable. As far as the living situation goes, I'm very excited. My roommate is a sweetheart and the place is beautiful. [Note to Tab-Thank you, I think it's great too, I haven't been using yahoo messenger much this summer because I used my mom's computer most of the time, but I did get your messages, and I wasn't ignoring you, and thank you.] Anyway, I think living here is going to be good. It will probably forever ruin me for apartment living.
As for starting school again, I'm not quite sure. It's not really that the summer wasn't long enough. I think this is one of the first summers where I didn't actually think it was too short. It was a good length. What I'm worried about it the academics. If it's anything like last year, I'm soon going to feel completely incompetent and incapable of anything. I really don't like that feeling. So I'm nervous about that part. But just like the previous semesters I'm making a vow to myself that I will stay on top of things and be the ideal student, we'll see how long that lasts. One more day of freedom and then we'll see.
As for starting school again, I'm not quite sure. It's not really that the summer wasn't long enough. I think this is one of the first summers where I didn't actually think it was too short. It was a good length. What I'm worried about it the academics. If it's anything like last year, I'm soon going to feel completely incompetent and incapable of anything. I really don't like that feeling. So I'm nervous about that part. But just like the previous semesters I'm making a vow to myself that I will stay on top of things and be the ideal student, we'll see how long that lasts. One more day of freedom and then we'll see.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
So...I think highschool must be the most of the completely ridiculous phrases ever. When I was in highschool Lisa Harriman started using the phrase "you blow goats" or "that blows goats" etc... I think I kinda always just thought she made it up. Granted, I never really gave the origin much thought. But I guess either I was wrong about that or the phrase originated right here in Citrus County and no one is giving her proper credit for originating the phrase. Just a little while ago I was doodling around on the internet and someone used the phrase, and I immediately thought of Lisa. I'm sure she would be proud to know that. So now I'm going to tell a story.
Lisa and I were in Spanish class together along with a couple other fellow band geeks. We all spent a lot of time together doing band stuff, but the Spanish class was just coincidence. One day we learned how to say goat in Spanish (not that I can remember now) which gave Lisa the idea to learn how to say "You blow goats" in Spanish. But blow is probably not a word they EVER teach in a highschool Spanish class she had to ask the teacher, who now that I think about it, surprisingly provided the information. And so began the Spanish "You blow goats," not that I can remember how to say it now. Horribly sad. So one day she said it to someone who could actually speak spanish, and his reply was "You hit goats?" Turns out the teacher didn't understand which blow she wanted to know, and Lisa had been walking around telling people they hit goats. But I think the point here is that it's the thought that counts.
Lisa and I were in Spanish class together along with a couple other fellow band geeks. We all spent a lot of time together doing band stuff, but the Spanish class was just coincidence. One day we learned how to say goat in Spanish (not that I can remember now) which gave Lisa the idea to learn how to say "You blow goats" in Spanish. But blow is probably not a word they EVER teach in a highschool Spanish class she had to ask the teacher, who now that I think about it, surprisingly provided the information. And so began the Spanish "You blow goats," not that I can remember how to say it now. Horribly sad. So one day she said it to someone who could actually speak spanish, and his reply was "You hit goats?" Turns out the teacher didn't understand which blow she wanted to know, and Lisa had been walking around telling people they hit goats. But I think the point here is that it's the thought that counts.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
So yesterday I took a trip to Jacksonville to see where I'm going to live next year. My roommate is a girl that I am going to school with, the townhouse is owned by her boyfriend, who bought it as an investment property, he will be somewhere up east (though I can't remember where) and won't be back (permanently) until the middle of May. So the deal is only for the school year, then I will have to find somewhere else. Hopefully (cross your fingers) I will be able to find someone at the end of the year who is also looking for a roommate and who I can live with next year.
It's an end unit

I always judge a place by the kitchen, and this one looks good, and has so much more space when compared to an apartment.

And my room is good sized.

There is also a third bedroom that we will use as an office.
It's an end unit

I always judge a place by the kitchen, and this one looks good, and has so much more space when compared to an apartment.

And my room is good sized.

There is also a third bedroom that we will use as an office.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Nikky is recovering from what is most likely a case of Salmonella poisoning that she got from a snake she bought, brought home, and kept in her closet without telling anyone. She didn't really do a good job of keeping that secret though.
I'm pretty sure she thinks that no one has ever gone through this before. Her grossest comment of the day came right after exiting the bathroom this evening.
"I deserve a Publix sub!" she announced, and then followed it up by telling us that it was a little bit solid.
Thank you.
A week or so ago I found a place to live next year. It's a really nice place, I haven't actually seen it yet, but it's in a new townhouse community. It's a 3 br 2.5 bath end unit. She's just renting out one bedroom and the other will serve as an office. The only real downside so far is that it will only be for this year. I will have to do the whole moving thing again in May. But if all goes well it will be worth it to live there for the year, AND I won't have to pay rent over the summer. I just have to remember to find a place to put my stuff or get another place starting in May.
This means I need furniture. Yes, I'm 24 years old and I don't even own ANY furniture of my own. So...I looked in the newspapers, and online. And I found out that it's not all that common to find a FULL size bedroom set, but I already have full size linens, so I would really rather stick with full size. And then we spent the weekend going yard saleing. It was interesting, You would not believe how ugly the furniture is around here. We saw 2 white with gold trim sets, which I hate. It bothers me that they paint the wood, and I guess there are some places that it is okay, but I really only see it as being okay for little girls' bedrooms. We also saw a chest and dresser that would have been okay, though I really didn't like it but it didn't have a headboard (which I could live without) or a nightstand, and in reality when you get down to the bare essentials I just need one dresser/chest and a nightstand. I decided pretty early on that I would rather just a chest, because it will be easier to move, and I'm apparently going to have to do that a lot. So I didn't get that set. But by far the worst thing I saw was a complete black lacquer bedroom suite. It was $200 and I honestly don't know how they are going to get rid of that, they should just take it to the dump on free Tuesday and be thankful that they didn't have to invest anymore money in that absolutely awful furniture.
I'm pretty sure she thinks that no one has ever gone through this before. Her grossest comment of the day came right after exiting the bathroom this evening.
"I deserve a Publix sub!" she announced, and then followed it up by telling us that it was a little bit solid.
Thank you.
A week or so ago I found a place to live next year. It's a really nice place, I haven't actually seen it yet, but it's in a new townhouse community. It's a 3 br 2.5 bath end unit. She's just renting out one bedroom and the other will serve as an office. The only real downside so far is that it will only be for this year. I will have to do the whole moving thing again in May. But if all goes well it will be worth it to live there for the year, AND I won't have to pay rent over the summer. I just have to remember to find a place to put my stuff or get another place starting in May.
This means I need furniture. Yes, I'm 24 years old and I don't even own ANY furniture of my own. So...I looked in the newspapers, and online. And I found out that it's not all that common to find a FULL size bedroom set, but I already have full size linens, so I would really rather stick with full size. And then we spent the weekend going yard saleing. It was interesting, You would not believe how ugly the furniture is around here. We saw 2 white with gold trim sets, which I hate. It bothers me that they paint the wood, and I guess there are some places that it is okay, but I really only see it as being okay for little girls' bedrooms. We also saw a chest and dresser that would have been okay, though I really didn't like it but it didn't have a headboard (which I could live without) or a nightstand, and in reality when you get down to the bare essentials I just need one dresser/chest and a nightstand. I decided pretty early on that I would rather just a chest, because it will be easier to move, and I'm apparently going to have to do that a lot. So I didn't get that set. But by far the worst thing I saw was a complete black lacquer bedroom suite. It was $200 and I honestly don't know how they are going to get rid of that, they should just take it to the dump on free Tuesday and be thankful that they didn't have to invest anymore money in that absolutely awful furniture.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
So...Name a color.
I've been meaning to post for days now, I just never get to it, not that I'm doing anything that's taking up so much time that I can't post, I'm just lazy. I've thought up several posts in the last week or so. I'm surprisingly witty in my head. Too bad the wit never makes it to this blog.
I went to the mall today, and it's been so long since I've been to the mall myself I started to wonder if I'm aloud to go to the mall by myself. But then I saw Justin and Samantha there and since they can go to the mall by themselves, I probably can too. Really, it's been a long time. And I noticed how much the mall needs a wash and wax, it's getting a little run down looking. It could use some new signs and a good pressure wash.
Recently I've gotten 2 e-mails from people I don't know about this blog. It's always fun to get e-mails from strangers saying they liked something I wrote about or are going through something that I went through and are glad they aren't the only ones feeling the same way I did once. Interestingly, in both cases, I almost didn't open the e-mail. I have the same yahoo account I've had since we went online when I was in high school. I think it must be the oldest yahoo account still in use. I should get a prize or something. But it causes a problem in that I get a LOT of junk mail. A LOT. I've always been one of those e-mail pack-rats. I don't delete anything. In the early days of my e-mail account I would constantly have that yahoo reminder that I was nearing my limit, and when it got to about 105% of capacity, I would go through and delete enough e-mails to be down to about 90%. I was probably the happiest person whenever they increased my limit. But when Gmail came out, yahoo increased their limit to match. And I now have no problem with my limit. It has a bulk mail filter which filters most of the junk mail and deletes them after a certain amount of time, I don't ever even look at it. And I just let the junk mail that makes it into my inbox sit there. I only open the ones I recognize and rarely delete anything. And even after doing this for a while now, I'm only at 12% of my limit. It also means that if I don't recognize your name, and your subject doesn't ring a bell then I might just figure it for junk and skip over it. It was just luck that I read either of those recent e-mails. So...I'm considering moving to my gmail account. I got one when they first started testing Gmail, because it was offered through blogger, an arm of Google, which is the parent of Gmail, I didn't even need a code, I was a bad test dummy though because I didn't use my Gmail. But I do check it occasionally and I haven't gotten a single mail their yet. So they must have some good spam stuff going on. The only thing stopping me is that I've had my yahoo account for so long, and I don't want to miss e-mails from anyone who wants to get a hold of me.
So the moral, if I don't know you and you want to e-mail me about the blog, then mention the blog in the title, so I know to read the e-mail. And if you e-mailed me about the blog and you didn't hear from me after, then I probably didn't read your e-mail, sorry, send it again, because I like e-mail that isn't trying to sell me male enhancement products or refinance the mortgage I don't have.
And as for the color question at the beginning, if you said anything but red then you aren't a typical north American. That was a trivial pursuit question I got off my pringle. Apparently when you ask most North Americans to name a color they say red. So far, this is not the case. Let me know what you said so I can count you in the survey.
Note: the trivial pursuit pringles are great to take on a picnic, we got subs and took them to the sugarmill park and had a little picnic before Nikky's soccer game Sunday.
I've been meaning to post for days now, I just never get to it, not that I'm doing anything that's taking up so much time that I can't post, I'm just lazy. I've thought up several posts in the last week or so. I'm surprisingly witty in my head. Too bad the wit never makes it to this blog.
I went to the mall today, and it's been so long since I've been to the mall myself I started to wonder if I'm aloud to go to the mall by myself. But then I saw Justin and Samantha there and since they can go to the mall by themselves, I probably can too. Really, it's been a long time. And I noticed how much the mall needs a wash and wax, it's getting a little run down looking. It could use some new signs and a good pressure wash.
Recently I've gotten 2 e-mails from people I don't know about this blog. It's always fun to get e-mails from strangers saying they liked something I wrote about or are going through something that I went through and are glad they aren't the only ones feeling the same way I did once. Interestingly, in both cases, I almost didn't open the e-mail. I have the same yahoo account I've had since we went online when I was in high school. I think it must be the oldest yahoo account still in use. I should get a prize or something. But it causes a problem in that I get a LOT of junk mail. A LOT. I've always been one of those e-mail pack-rats. I don't delete anything. In the early days of my e-mail account I would constantly have that yahoo reminder that I was nearing my limit, and when it got to about 105% of capacity, I would go through and delete enough e-mails to be down to about 90%. I was probably the happiest person whenever they increased my limit. But when Gmail came out, yahoo increased their limit to match. And I now have no problem with my limit. It has a bulk mail filter which filters most of the junk mail and deletes them after a certain amount of time, I don't ever even look at it. And I just let the junk mail that makes it into my inbox sit there. I only open the ones I recognize and rarely delete anything. And even after doing this for a while now, I'm only at 12% of my limit. It also means that if I don't recognize your name, and your subject doesn't ring a bell then I might just figure it for junk and skip over it. It was just luck that I read either of those recent e-mails. So...I'm considering moving to my gmail account. I got one when they first started testing Gmail, because it was offered through blogger, an arm of Google, which is the parent of Gmail, I didn't even need a code, I was a bad test dummy though because I didn't use my Gmail. But I do check it occasionally and I haven't gotten a single mail their yet. So they must have some good spam stuff going on. The only thing stopping me is that I've had my yahoo account for so long, and I don't want to miss e-mails from anyone who wants to get a hold of me.
So the moral, if I don't know you and you want to e-mail me about the blog, then mention the blog in the title, so I know to read the e-mail. And if you e-mailed me about the blog and you didn't hear from me after, then I probably didn't read your e-mail, sorry, send it again, because I like e-mail that isn't trying to sell me male enhancement products or refinance the mortgage I don't have.
And as for the color question at the beginning, if you said anything but red then you aren't a typical north American. That was a trivial pursuit question I got off my pringle. Apparently when you ask most North Americans to name a color they say red. So far, this is not the case. Let me know what you said so I can count you in the survey.
Note: the trivial pursuit pringles are great to take on a picnic, we got subs and took them to the sugarmill park and had a little picnic before Nikky's soccer game Sunday.