My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

It's a new day. And today is the first official day of the school year. When I wake up in the morning I will again have lectures and readings breathing down my neck. We got our practicum groups today. I have a community site, so I don't have to be on campus at all this week. The only thing I have to do is meet with my preceptor on Friday. Oh...and I also have to watch lectures. So this weekend I will head home. It will give me a chance to see Nikky's last soccer game and to collect anything that I left at home.
Today--well, yesterday--was Jenn's birthday. I talked to her yesterday when she called to tell me she received my package. But I called her today because it was her actual birthday. They were going to the melting pot for dinner.
The thing about still being in college, when everyone else is out is that all my friends are old now. They rarely ever stay up past 9. It's much easier to stay in touch with Jenn because she calls me. For whatever reason I have a block that makes me forget that I'm supposed to call someone between the hours of about 6 and 10pm. So by the time I remember it's too late. This is especially a problem with Lori because I'm pretty sure she is NEVER up past 9. And...along with forgetfullness, I also don't have free nights and weekends until after 9. Which means to call her I have to use minutes, and when I call her it's not always a quick call. This poses another problem because my sister is a phone diva. She uses like a bazillion minutes, and never seems to understand that there are other people around here that don't have any other phone besides their cell phone, and will be required to make a certain amount of calls on it. That on top of the fact that all my friends are old and are asleep during the free minutes. Are Nikky's friends asleep then? Nope. But that doesn't stop her from calling whoever she wants during the day and sitting around saying absolutely nothing. conclusion, I hope Lori knows that I don't talk to her that often because she's asleep during the free minutes.

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