My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Breathe in...Now breathe out.

So in case you haven't heard we've seen more than our fair share of hurricane's this year. Luckily Ivan didn't hit us (well not lucky for the people that it did hit--but you know what I mean). And now there is Jeanne. I hoping it will go north and hit North Carolina. Well, I guess I should hope it doesn't hit anything, but mostly I just hope it doesn't bother me. They can't cancel anymore of our classes. I'll go crazy. We'll all go crazy. I think most of the college of pharmacy here is a little crazy because of it. So...Med. Chem. Exam 1 down. Tonight, after I get done with this and eat I have to watch all the biochem lectures I haven't been watching. Tomorrow we have a review session--THANK GOD! And Monday we have the exam. Wed. we have the PBD exam and Thurs. I have the ICS presentation (the outline is due tues, and the powerpoint is due wed). The next monday I have a PBD presentation, and tues. I have the PSR presentation, wed. I have ICS (but I just have to listen to other people present) and another Med. Chem exam on thurs. Did you follow that?
Dinner's ready.
I think it did pretty good on the exam tonight. I just hope I can repeat that with biochem and PBD. PBD is our big credit course, so it will be difficult just because of the sheer amount of material we will need to know. Biochem is going to be difficult too. From what I've heard the professor knows we really don't need any of the info from the class for anything else so he makes the exams really hard. I was talking to a girl who was a microbio major and just finished biochem and she said she was lost in some places in his lecture. Imagine how other people feel who haven't even taken it before. I have some old tests and he gives these multiple choice questions where there are multiple answers. If you leave one out you get points off, if you answer one that isn't the answer you get points off. So if you are really wrong you can loose 5 points on a question. So we can get negative points on the exam. Hopefully that doesn't happen. And to make it worse, I'm behind on the lectures, and I haven't been keeping up with studying. Damn hurricanes. I've already decided that if I fail this semester I'm blaming it on the hurricanes. I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one. A lot of people were without power for a LONG time, so they couldn't watch the lectures, and it's really hard to prepare for a hurricane when your glued to the computer. You can't exactly take notes while boarding up the windows. So...the point of all that was that I had it much better than some.
All these presentations we have coming up wouldn't be so bad if someone would just tell us what we are supposed to do. All they tell us is the topic and eventually they get around to telling us our group assignments. Last night I sent out an e-mail to my PBD group and I never did get replies from everyone. But right before the exam while we were all sitting in our seats that were sufficiently spaced, I head someone ask if they knew who I was. They were actually across the room, I guess it was one of those selective hearing things--Cognitive psych actually was right. But anyway, after class everyone was waiting for me--except on girl, and I'm not sure if she is in our group, she is on one list but not another. And we all decided that we would actually meet next week after the PBD exam.
I really don't like being in charge of stuff like this so I'm going to wait to hear from someone about the PSR group. I can only be so extroverted. We'll see how that goes. Besides I'm such a huge dork I'm sure people get my e-mails and are thinking, "Jeezz, I have to be in this group, this girl can't even make her e-mails make sense, how can she possibly present information?" Anyway, I really don't want to add to my responsibilities list another group to corral. So, I need to get on those lectures, as it is I'm not going to finish watching them all tonight. This is the problem--no time! Well, and no motivation to watch them.

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