My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So, I just checked my site meter and saw that someone got here from my blogger profile. So I surfed around a few people's profiles and found that most bloggers are apparently pretty weird, and I thought, "whew, glad I'm not like that!" Hah!
So at the beginning of the summer my goal was to post everyday, but right off the bat that didn't happen. So then my goal was to post a picture on flickr everyday. And that really hasn't happened either, but at least I'm closer to that goal. I guess I'm just not a goal oriented person or something.
This weekend we went blueberry picking. We decided to go Saturday morning because if we went in the afternoon it would rain, just like it does every afternoon. But with Murphy's Law and all, of course it rained. While we were going we weren't really sure if we would be able to pick in the rain, but it wasn't too bad when we got there, and after a few minutes it stopped, so we decided to go ahead and pick, since it wasn't too hot and we figured that if it wasn't raining it would be hot and we would get just as wet with sweat. So we got wet with rainwater. It was fun. We got 2 gallons and 5 quarts. We're taking the 2 gallons on vacation with us. 3 of the quarts have been given away, leaving 2 for us. So far I've made blueberry pancakes (which were flat), blueberry muffins (which were stumpy), and blueberry scones (I've never had scones, but they seemed okay to me). Overall everything was pretty good, but I don't think I'm going to be accepted into any culinary schools anytime soon.
Today I got a jury summons. I'm probably the only person in the world that is excited about this, and for this reason I'm pretty sure my case will be settled and I won't have to report anyway. But I really want to be on a jury. My mom knows this so when she got it in the mail she brought it right over. It's only Petit jury, not grand jury, so it probably won't be a case I've heard of. At first I had delusions that it might be the Lunsford case, which was a little disappointing to me, because I watched the news while that was going on and I would probably be dismissed for knowing too much, and my mom said that they are trying to move it to Levy county, but I don't think that will do much good either because I think everyone in the entire country heard about it at least a little and certainly everyone in the state. It's not until July 25, so luckily it is after vacation, so unless it's going to be a LONG case I will be free to do it.
The last time I was there I had to go for a class. I took a law class that we had to observe court for 8 hours and report on it, so I went for a few hours a couple days and dressed business professional, as I was directed to do, and really you would think it would just be intuitive, but I was one of the best dressed people there. And I felt like I was skulking around the whole time because I'm pretty sure people don't just go there to watch whatever is going on that day. For the most part I just sat to the back, I only got asked if I was waiting for my case to be heard about 10 times. But only once did a judge stop proceedings to ask me who I was. This was after the court police officer person (I can't remember what you call them) came over to ask me this too. I told them all I was just observing, and after the security guard made sure to tell me the proceedings were closed to witnesses, the judge made sure to make it clear to me too. I guess they thought I was lying and wanted to make it clear that if I was a witness they wouldn't let me testify. It was a pretty sad custody case where the mother had a court order to prevent her from being in bars and the father was suing for custody because he saw her car at a bar and had other evidence that she had ignored other parts of the court order. I remember thinking that the father didn't seem like a real stand up guy either and how sad it was that they were all these kids had.
So...Anyway, it will be interesting to have an actual relatively understandable reason to be there at the courthouse. Hopefully I'll find where I'm supposed to go, the summons makes sure to tell me where to park and to go to the NEW ADDITION not the historic courthouse. And I'll have to be sure not to wear beach attire or shorts. They actually underlined not. I still can't believe that this isn't implied. You're going to a courthouse, dress appropriately.

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