My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Thursday, June 16, 2005 it humid here. Whenever someone comes inside they can't help but say how hot it is, but we all know that it isn't the heat that's making it so miserable. It's the humidity. You don't even have time to sweat, the humidity in the air gets you first. I'm still playing with my camera. After I've had it for a while I'm going to write up a review for it. But for now I'm getting used to how it works. I also discovered today that my mom's computer has microsoft pictureit. So I found the disk for it to load onto my computer. So now I have something to edit pictures with. I was really limited before with what I could do, and I'm not paying for photoshop. I played around with a couple pics that I took last summer. It was fun.
xenia barn color2
The barn started out surrounded by green, but I like the color much better. If you click back a couple pictures you can see the original.

1 comment(s):

Photoshop is awesome, and totally worth the price. But I understand you not wanting to pay full price. Sometimes you can find cheep older versions on eBay, and to tell the truth they are usually just as good.

By Blogger Charles W., at 12:54 AM  

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