Thursday, June 30, 2005
I talked to Lori the other day. She went up to Ohio for a couple weeks and now she is back. Her family has always talked about moving away, but a while ago her father was in an accident and is expecting an insurance settlement in the next couple years. So they were talking about moving up to Ohio when they get it and their kids were planning on going with them. When Lori was married she planned to go with her husband, probably a few years after her parents because Gene started going to school after they got married and she wanted him to finish first. Now that they're divorced everyone is still planning on this, well except Gene. So Lori and her father decided to make this trip because he wanted to get a feel for the area and because it was nearing Lori's anniversary they decided to go together not just to see but to get her mind off of the divorce. Well, Lori came back excited. She's decided to go next summer, in December she's going to move in with her parents and then she will move over the summer between school years. She came back excited about the malls and the fact that there are more available men there. Well, you have to figure that there are more available men our age anywhere else but here. She had a bad experience with her first marriage but she wants to be married and if she met someone tomorrow who was marriageable she would be married again. She wants kids and the fence...So she moving to the land of white bread and pickett fences, at least that's the impression I get of the place she's picked to live. That's the way she describes it. I think that there is a pretty good chance she is going to get there and be just a dissapointed, but at least it will get her away from here. She won't even go to the mall here for little things because Gene works in the mall and she doesn't want him to see her. At least her baggage won't be so close. And it will give her something to be excited about for quite a while. It just worries me that she thinks that moving will solve all her problems and I know she has some left over credit card debt from the divorce, so moving in with her parents will help her save money so she can pay it off, but that means she's not going to have a lot, if any, left over for a downpayment, which means she's going to have to rent, which puts her in this cycle of not having money for a downpayment and not being able to save it because it's going into rent. And I know she has these great plans about where she wants to live, I just hope it works out. I hope it all works out for her, she's really a sweet person and I want her to be happy, I'm just a little worried that in the long run it's going to be more trouble that it's worth.
3 comment(s):
Gene What? Whats his last name? And why does she just want to be married, maybe thats it, she rushes through things just to get to the marriage! Also, why did they get divorced?
Anonymous, at
2:31 AM
Cadle is his last name. She wants to be married because doesn't everyone? That's the way it seems to me anyway. She wants to be married with children or at least working on it by the time she is 30. They got divored because, well, I'm not sure if I've heard the whole complete story but I think she wasn't happy for a while, he started to get disrespectful I guess, and then there was a physical incident. I think more than anything he got married because his friend was married and that seemed good to him but when his friend (who it was very clear from the beginning that he was a complete asshole) got divorced Gene decided it was too much work to be married, and that's when things started getting really bad. So she left him, which completely surprised me, but I have to say I was very proud of her, I never saw her as the kind of person who would get divorced no matter what.
Malissa, at
10:29 PM
I can see the want to get married thing, but really, I dont think people should rush it! lol... Speaking from experience!
Anonymous, at
1:57 AM
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