My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

So...It's over now. we're still supposed to get some rain, but the hurricane part is over. I think it was not as bad as francis, even though it was supposed to be stronger. I think it was because it was a shorter duration. We had one big tree go down, but it was behind our house and didn't fall on our property. We saw that it was breaking so we all got to watch it go down. No damage. We lost power for about an hour, and were VERY surprised and VERY happy when it came back on. I believe I've already written about how much I dislike the lack on electricity. They never did cancel Nikky's School she is going to wait to go back until tomorrow morning. She will miss her first lecture but that's probably better than driving back tonight before they can start clearing things. The news keeps showing all this damage in Tampa, I'm very surprised they didn't cancel her school. Luckily mine is cancelled, I will probably drive back to Jax pretty early so I can study for my exam Tues. I assume the date will be the same even though we will be missing our review session. But I guess we'll have to wait and see for sure. Blackboard is still down so I can't watch any lectures. At least I had been catching up on a lot, so I'm not as behind as I could be, and maybe by the time I get back to Jax they will have straightened out the problem with my internet there. They better have!

So now I've lived through two hurricanes in one month. I've lived in Florida for 20 of my 23 years. I've been through a total of two hurricanes, they were both in the last month. Does anyone else think that is wierd? I mean, we've had scares before, but they never actually hit us here. And we had the March no name storm in 93, but that wasn't a hurricane, it wasn't even in the season. But other than that all we have are usually Florida thunderstorms. I think it is crazy how often I have to evacuate these days.

Did I mention we boarded up our windows? Well I didn't, they were boarded when I got here, but the house is boarded up, well half of it is. We've never done this before, not for any of the storms this year, but I think the rapid succession has got everyone spooked, so mom decided to board up this time even tough it wasn't supposed to even come here until after I got here. It is really wierd to not be able to see out the front window. And the cat still sits in the window and looks out even though all he can see are boards. I think he is a little wierd.

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