My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Well today while we were having lunch at Schiano's I told myself I should blog about what I saw. It doesn't seem like such a good idea now. Just boring stuff. Maybe if I had written it then it would have seemed more interesting. Anyway, this is what I wanted to say. To the waiter: I know you were the only waiter there and you had to take care of a bunch of the other stuff, but there weren't that many people there. It WAS doable, and it shouldn't have taken as much effort as you were putting into it. Take a breath, relax, don't freak yourself out. Also, it is okay to bring my drink to me at the same time as you bring a plate to someone at another table. You don't have to make two trips. To the police officer: It was very impressed by how nice you were to that boy and how you went out of your way to talk to him while you waited. The world needs more police officers like you. See that was boring.

I talked to Jenn's boyfriend today. She figured out how to do three-way. He seemed like a good guy. I'm going to hold my final opinion of him for a while though, because I normally think her boyfriends are okay at first and then I don't like them at all. But from what I got from talking to him I think he's a good guy. Better than the one before last anyway (And the last one doesn't really count anyway.)

I think people that meet her and get to know her first and then meet me are really surprised at how boring I am. You can practically hear them thinking, "How is Jenn such good friends with this completely boring person?" They usually spend a while asking questions for the purpose of finding out where my crazyness is, and when they can't find it they still don't believe it doesn't exist. Not that I'm not crazy, 'cause I am, just not the kind of crazy they are looking for in me. I think it's kind of funny.

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