My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

So...I'm at the mall again. I was here yesterday to take advantage of the free high-speed wireless internet connection but my battery died before I was able to post the post that I wrote yesterday. It is okay though becacuse my post was a little bit disjointed. Anyway, I was saying that I finally know about my apartment. It is a 3/3, and so I only have 2 roommates. One guy and one girl, I don't know anything about them. But they said they were pretty sure they were both non-smokers, but that pretty much means that they probably are and they didn't want to say they were because then I would want them to find me different roommates and they didn't want to. It's on the 3rd floor which means I will die when I'm moving all my stuff in but it will be good for me for the rest of the year as long as I don't break anything that is necessary for walking, then there could be a problem. But let's hope that doesn't happen, I don't need that kind of stress. Anyway...I move in on the 16th, have Orientation in Jax on the 17th, and come home then on the 19th I have orientation in Gainesville, and sometime between then and the 23rd I go back to jax because that's when school starts. Wow, I'm really looking forward to school starting because then it will be over faster but I really am afraid of it too and not looking so forward to it. I'm very afraid of it. I'm worried that since I don't have any experience I will be behind and then everyone will be like, "well she doesn't deserve to be here, she doesn't even know what she's doing." And I'm worried about books because they keep changing the editions of the books but I heard that if you order them from the bookstore they will wait until the edition is for sure

Okay, back again but it's 8:46 now and I'm at home. Soooo...where was I? Right.

And I'm worried about books because they keep changing the editions of the books but I heard that if you order them from the bookstore they will wait until the edition is for sure and then they will mail it to us. But then the problem is that I don't know the address to my new apartment and I won't be there until next week, so if I get a package I'm not sure if they will hold it for me, and I'm afraid that several hundred dollars worth of books that I REALLY need will get misplaced and I will have to go through the whole process again. And spend money that I really don't have. Did I mention my loans yet? Wow do they freak me out when I think about it.

Did I mention there is a hurricane? Or two? Yeah, technically the one that hit today was a tropical storm but the one coming tomorrow is supposed to be a hurricane.

I was supposed to help Nikky move stuff out of her apartment this morning but there was a tornado watch so she said she didn't want to stay there because it is in Crystal River, where it floods, the apartment is pretty rickety wood frame and there are lots of trees, so she just came over to the house, then we went and got lunch and then decided to go move some stuff from her apartment after lunch. Then we went to the new apartment place that Brian will be moving into and saw it, it's better but still not the best, but like a bazillion times better than the other one. Anyway then we went to Wally World to get some soccer ball patches so she could sew them onto her towels, and we were driving through the parking lot and I was like, "What are all these people doing here?" Then I was like, "Oh, there's a hurricane" There were soooo many people there it was crazy!!! And while we were all the way in the back in the crafts department the power went off and it was pitch black in there. And the power stayed off for like a minute then came on and went off a couple times and then stayed off and finnally the emergency generators kicked in and a few emergency lights came on, so we just left, and then I noticed that the stop light was out so I drove through the publix shopping lot and there were like a bazillion people there and we almost ran over all of them, but they didn't have power either and that light was out and I was afraid I was stuck on the wrong side of 19. But there was a cop there directing traffic so it was okay except that we had to wait forever for him to let us go. Then we decided later to go and move some stuff out of the apartment and it was all stormy and rainy and HOT. But the time we got home I was completely wet just from the humidity because it only really sprinkled on us. And my pants were like falling off me because they were wet and so heavy. It was unpleasant, so I changed my pants and then we decided to go to the mall to play with their high-speed internet. But we only had an hour because Nikky had to get Brian because his car never works no matter how cool he tries to make it sound. And by the way, your car will never be cool if you can't even move it out of a flood area. And then Jenn called and then Nikky had to leave so I ran out of time and couldn't finish this post.

Anyway, Jenn is good, but her husband is leaving on the 23rd, her B-day for something and then he will be back for two weeks and then he will go to sea for 6 months. But she got an apartment, it is pretty expensive (I think) but it sounds like it has some really nice amenities, and it looks nice, you can see it here. She sounds pretty happy, but sad that she won't have much time with Carlos before he leaves again. Hopefully I will get to visit her sometime, but I'm afraid my schedule is going to be a little full for the next few years. Can't imagine why I think that.

Lori was in the chronicle the other day. That was cool. It was for being a teacher who came back to the same county to teach that she went to as a kid. She told me the other day that she had redone her hair, she said it was a shag and it was darker. In the pic her hair looks darker but I don't think the do is like a shag. It looks like she just got it shorter and left her bangs longer maybe, so I wonder if this is before or after the she had it done. I can't decide. I think the way they took the pic is wierd. It is interesting that now they have to wear their ID badges all the time. They never had to do that while we were going to school. I think it makes us old when they change things so drastically. I guess we are old, we graduated 5 years ago. Hard to believe we are half way to our reunion and I just signed on for 4 more years of school.

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