My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Well, it is official, I am graduating (well, unless I fail something). And my impending graduation has made me think about why it is that I have made it. So for quite a while I have been thinking about this, and then last night Nikky asked me about college in general. So now that I have some time I think I will address the issue.
First of all I don't think that college is really all that hard, not in the way that people think it will be hard. Some of the subjects are tough (Organic Chemistry was a bear), but you CAN get through it, there are study labs all over the place (at my school there are math tutor labs, and chemistry tutor labs, etc... that actually have teachers assistants, who are graduate students, around to help you), ask a friend to study with you... So my point is that the subjects aren't necessarily hard, now I'm not saying you don't actually have to study, you do have to go over the material and understand it. One BIG tip I have is ALWAYS go to class, it's a real life saver, I mean who wants to read a thousand page text book? Go to class, then you have already gone over the material once, with a professor who is knowledgeble, and you know what the professor thinks is important about the material. A lot of professors don't even teach out of the book, and as long as you were in class you will do fine (but if you weren't in class, and you read the book, then first of all you've studyed way too much material, and you've missed out on the extras the professor threw in).
When I was talking to Nikky she kept asking me if there was a lot of homework to do. And I kept saying no there isn't. I don't have any professors that require homework. There are projects, but that's not really homework, the main thing is studying, and we went through this several times. No there isn't homework, sometimes there is suggested work. But the majority of your outside of class work will be studying. And yes that can take some time.
Also, if your just in college because you don't have anywhere else to be or because your "supposed" to be there then you won't make it either. You need to be able to understand why this is important. If it isn't important to you then you won't ever be able to put in the right kind of effort. If you can't see the end result, or understand the purpose for going to college, then don't torture yourself, go get a job, and move on with your life. College is all about what you will get in the end, and if you don't see that you will be getting anything out of it then there is no reason for you to be there in the first place.
I think the most important factor in whether you can make it through college is whether or not you can deal with it all. I'm talking about work and class, and the fact that no one is going to be there to say, "hey have you done your homework yet?" "did you study for that test?" College life is different, you live on your own, you do your own laundry, wash your own dishes, and make your own food, you live away from your friends and for sometimes weeks you don't see or even talk to any of your friends from high school. It's a whole different world, things are different that you don't even think about being different. It's all about whether you can deal with the differences. Can you get everything done, the every day living functions, the studying, class, work? Can you deal with the schedule? Can you deal with the fact that you may have to be up until 2 am working on a paper and then get up a 6 to be somewhere on time (remember no one is going to make sure you get up and get there on time, and if you are late no one will except the excuse that you are just a kid). Can you do it? If you can then when you are done, you'll wonder what you were so worried about. If you can't then you will have to find another way to deal with your life, because like it or not after highschool you do have to deal with it yourself, even if you don't go to college.

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