My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Went to work, went to class, went to work, went to class, went to taco bell, then drove towards home. But guess what, the police were blocking 50th, there wasn't even an officer directing people to turn around, it was just a police car in the road and a bunch of flashing lights. So I had to turn around and drive through campus, which made my trip more than twice as long, luckily though all the police were on 50th so none of them could see me speeding through campus, dodging the stupid people who think it is okay to cross the road when I have a green light and there is a whole line of cars trying to get by.
Boy, oh boy, I can not wait until I graduate and don't have to work there anymore. I can't wait until I have a job where I do something that actually needs to be done. I feel like I spend most of my time doing things that don't really need to be done, but will keep me busy so I should do them, or getting yelled at for not doing things that don't need to be done, or for not doing things that I didn't know needed to be done. I will miss the money though, I mean I may not work very much, but I make damn good money for a regular college student's job.
Oh, I'm also not going to miss getting yelled at by teachers who filled out their registration wrong and then get mad at me because of it, as if I made the mistake. (ex. The week before last a man came in and told me that he forgot to fill in which test he wanted to take (we offer like 50), and he wanted to fix it. I told him that we couldn't do anything for him and that he would have to register again (late registration--and he would have to pay the fee) and he yelled at me! "What do I got to pay extra for? I just left out two little numbers." And he just kept yelling about everything. I told him I couldn't give him advice on filling out the registration, and he got mad because I wouldn't help him(because if I tell him wrong then I can be held accountable, and they don't give us any information about the exams anyway). I told him that all the information was in the bulletin and even told him the pages, but he refused to read the directions! I felt like saying, "excuse me I have to go make an appointment to have a hysterectomy so that I won't ever have children that have to deal with YOU!") Nope, definitely won't miss that.
While I was at the drive through at Taco Bell they were talking about our impending war, and how we are already bombing strategic locations in iraq. And I just sat there and prayed for those military men and women over there, who are right now hunkering down somewhere, waiting for orders, and thinking about the lives they had to leave behind, their spouses and their children and their family, and friends. I pray that this war is short, with no loss of life. While I was there in the drive through I looked over at Chik-fil-A, and they had "God bless America" on their sign. And I remembered that after 9/11, I had said that businesses shouldn't use signs with religous statements because that would only succeed in alienating those who do not believe in my God, and I didn't want to do that, I thought we should be one. But tonight I found myself glad that that sign was up, right now I think we could use blessings from anyone and everyone, the more people who are for us the better, I don't care if you pray to God, or Allah, or Budda, or not at all, right now we could use everyone's good will.
And with all that said, I'm still against war.

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