My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Friday, March 21, 2003

So, I decided I would let people know that I was linking to them, I got back all postive responces, but I'm not sure if I will continue to inform people of the linkage. For example, I am adding a link to "Where is Raed", and I'm not going to send him an e-mail because I'm sure he recieves more than enough anyway. It's a very good, and informative blog, check it out if you have time. I also talked to Mileah yesterday, she sent me an IM asking for me URL, and I didn't think about it then ('cause I was entering data, and working between two computers, so I had far to much on my mine) but I wonder how she sent me that IM (the one with the cool message) if she wasn't already at my site? I've decided that I'm probably an obsessive knowledge seeker, if I want to know something then I will find out, even if everything else in the world suffers, I just can't stop looking. I also talked to one of the writers for Jacked Thoughts, very nice person, who informed me that he doesn't normally tell people he is linking to their blogs, I'm glad, because I think it's kinda wierd sometimes, but the college student in me is demanding that I do it anyway. I don't know, it seems kinda like plagerism if I don't.
Okay, okay, I know this is probably a really odd, rambling post, but I'm operating on about 5 hours sleep, and I've been up since 6:15, so I'm tired. I don't know how people can survive on so little sleep, I've been known to think that 10 hours wasn't enough. I think what is making it worse is that I haven't had a good nights sleep at all this week, I don't think that there was even one day where I got to bed before 12:00, probably not even 1:00. But I'm home now, so I think I'm going to sleep, or at least rest.

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