My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Great Blog Killer

I am the Great Blog Killer. Whenever I start reading a blog there seems to be a chance that the blog will suddenly quit. Not always. And not usually immediately or permanently. But it's a little dissapointing to arrive at your destination to find out that they are calling it quits.
Exhibit #1: Witt and Wisdom
Then there are those who just drop off the face of the earth.
Exhibits #2-4: Tequila Mockingbird, 327 words, Frost Street
Then there are the ones that probably stopped posting before I started reading it, but since I had to read through the archives I really don't know, and I'm just sure that they aren't posting anymore simply because I would try to read it.
Exhibit #5: Hoo-Ah
There are the ones that announce they are going to stop posting and completely remove their site.
Exhibit #6: This guy
And of course there are the ones that say they haven't stopped posting, they are just waiting for something to post about.
Exhibit #7: The Vanilla Gorilla

Luckily, the ones I really like come back. I just have to wait for it.

1 comment(s):

No worries..I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

Then again, I don't want to flatter myself that you like reading my blog. But anyway, I'm here. Like that old ugly pair of shoes you don't wear but can't throw away.

By Blogger teahouse, at 9:08 AM  

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