My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

I've been looking for a new template. I like this one, but I think it looks a little too...formal? for my purposes. I also want to be able to use colored fonts. For some reason I can't use them in this template. I've tried others and can do it in the others so I know it's not that I'm just doing it wrong. The problem is, I don't like any of the other templates that blogger has. So I've been trying to modify a couple. There is always one part that I really want to change but can't figure it out. My html knowledge is limited, I'm learning but not fast enough. So anyway it is taking a little time for this change to occur. Eventually I will come to a decision about what to change to. And when I do, I will change it. I will also be adding some new links, and probably removing some too. I just want a simple template, one where I can change the font colors. I also would like to be able to display pictures in the template. Does anyone know where I can get a template like this? I haven't been able to find on that I like so far.

I've always had problems keeping journals. As my journals go this one has been a success. I think it may be my longest running journal ever. But I'm afraid that I might be running out of things to say. If that's even possible. I don't know, it just seems like there are less things I want to write about. Maybe I'm just in a lull. I don't really have all that much going on, so maybe that's the problem. I guess at this point only time will tell. In any case. I really enjoy reading other people's blogs. I've been lucky in that I've found some very entertaining blogs. So anyway, there isn't really a point to this post, so stop looking for it.

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