My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

My friend is getting married. I'm a bridesmaid. We got dresses. Mine was too big. Actually it was really just to big on top. And it was really really to big on top. I mean, in order to wear this dress people must have needed to be a ZZZ cup or something (and if they were then how would they open the door? Their chest would stick out way to far and their boobs would hit the door before their hand could reach it). Anyway, I had to have it altered. And since I always just buy my clothes to fit me, I didn't know of a good seamstress. The woman I took it to did a terrible job. She took it in too far in the hip area, so now it's too small. She let it back out while I was there, but it wasn't enough. Now I can get the dress on and it would be okay, but it's still just a little to tight. So now I have to loose 10 lbs. Also she just took it in in the back. So now, the front puckers out like it's too big, but I can't reach forward with both my hands.
And this happened after I finally got my car fixed after taking it to the mechanic about 15,000 times for the same problem.
It's making me wonder if anyone ever does a job right the first time when I am the customer. When I walk in do people say, "Oh, we don't have to worry about her, what's she going to do to us?"

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