My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Fan of country music? Probably not. Even people who like country music are embarrassed to say so now days. Anyway that's not really the point.
Have you ever heard that song "Love bug" by George Jones? I have. It's a lie.

"Oh that a little bitty teeny weeny thing called the love bug
Nobody's ever seen it but it's got the whole world shook up
It all started with a little bitty kiss and a hug
It's a little bitty teeny weeny thing called the love bug"

Do you know how I know it's a lie? 'Cause I've seen a lovebug before. Twice a year they swarm. They like to congregate outside my front door. There are so many of them that driving down the road begins to sound like a machine gun firing range. About the only people they shake up are all the car owners out there who learn that if you don't clean their dead little bodies off your car their guts eat away at your paint job. Their name is quite fitting if you ask me, but it isn't because they kiss or hug, if you know what I mean.

Get the Love part yet?

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