My Crazy Thoughts
my thoughts on various topics.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

A few years ago someone broke into our house (on Valentine's Day), so we had an alarm system installed in our house (which is odd for our area, because some people don't even lock their doors--we did, but that didn't stop them). And anyway, I still have a hard time remembering it sometimes (probably I don't live at home very often). If you enter the house from the garage the tone doesn't sound to remind you to turn off the alarm, so I forget. Today, I forgot again, luckily my mom said something before it went off and I just stood still until she turned it off. But sometimes if your really stealthy you can't make it pretty far into the house before it gets you--but it always gets you. Once I made it all the way to the computer, had it on, and had dialed up before it went off. It scared the begeezes out of me. And once I made it all the way to the couch and plopped down. This time I remembered that I didn't turn it off so I just layed there really still wondering what I should do. That time I walked REALLY slow (fooling the motion sensor) and actually was able to make it back to the panel to turn the alarm off. Most of the time I just scare myself to death. Of course, there are times when I come in the front door and the tone (to remind to to turn it off) scares me too. I think it's like some wierd torture device used to startle me at the most unexpected times.

Then driving back to my apartment today I was thinking that it was really bright. I knew that the days had been getting longer, so the daylight lasted longer, but today I knew things were different. It seemed much earlier in the day. I spent a lot of time being amazed by this. Then I remembered the time change.

I never said I was real swift.

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